Thousands of Households Have Run Out of Home Heating Oil With bitter temperatures gripping the nation including New England, there is serious concern for the health and well-bring of low-income households – especially those that heat with oil. “Thousands of home...

MASSCAP and Community Action Agencies Launch Annual Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program that Aids Low Income Families
Earned Income Tax Awareness Day The Massachusetts Association for Community Action (MASSCAP) and the Montachusett Opportunity Council (MOC) today were joined by Senator Dean Tran (Worcester and Middlesex), Representative Stephan Hay (3rd Worcester), Representative...
Free tax preparation helps low-income workers get their full refunds
As Reported by Paula J. Owen, The Worcester Telegram: With all the benefits the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) brings to families, if EITC were a drug, it would be available in every pharmacy across the state, says Stephanie Ettinger de Cuba, executive director of...
Bitter Cold, Snow and Extreme Winter Weather Make Call for Supplemental Fuel Assistance Funds More Urgent
Households Will Run Out of Home Heating Oil by end of January The severe winter that we knew was coming is now here. With temperatures below freezing and dropping to single digits, along with this past weekend’s storm bringing up to a foot of snow and sleet and ice,...
Political coalition to Gov. Baker: Add $30M to heating-assistance program
As Reported by Dick Lindsay, The Berkshire Eagle: Gov. Charlie Baker should kick in $30 million in state money to help struggling households pay their heating bills this winter. That was the message from a coalition of more than 70 state representatives and senators,...
Poverty cycle topic of forum
As reported by Haven Orecchio-Egresitz, The Berkshire Eagle: WILLIAMSTOWN —When State Rep. Paul Mark was 12-years-old, his father was laid off on Christmas Eve. The loss of his job sent his family into five years of financial instability, forcing them to move several...
As published on Item Live, powered by Daily News: At Lynn Economic Opportunity (LEO), our work is about people and relationships. For us, fuel assistance is not transactional, it is personal. Louis, age 94, and Marilyn, who is 86, live in a small lakeside cabin they...
MASSCAP Held Press Conference on Call for Supplemental Fuel Assistance Funds to Avoid Public Health & Safety Crisis
Federal Allocation Reduced by $11 million Households Will Run Out of Home Heating Oil by end of January The Massachusetts Association for Community Action (MASSCAP) held a press conference this morning on the steps of the State House in order to continue to urge...