Community Action Timeline

Community Action was founded in 1964 during the war on poverty as part of the Economic Opportunity Act. It is important to recognize the events and efforts that preceded 1964 as well as tracking the progress since that time.
Today, 60 years later, we continue to work to advance opportunity, inspire hope and eradicate poverty.

Brown v. Board of Education
“Separate is not equal.” Expansion of federal policy-making.

Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott that helped partially end racial segregation.

Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1957 is signed by President Dwight Eisenhower.

ABCD Incorporated
Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD) in Boston is incorporated. It will become the first Community Action Agency in Massachusetts.

African American Students Enter Public Schools
20 African American students enter public schools in Alabama.

President John F. Kennedy Assassinated
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson assumes the Presidency.

"I Have A Dream"
Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his "I Have a Dream" speech at a civil rights rally before 200,000 people.

War on Poverty Declared
President Lyndon B. Johnson declares a "War on Poverty" in his state of the union address.

The Economic Opportunity Act Signed
The Economic Opportunity Act creates Community Action Agencies to coordinate local antipoverty efforts and funds programs Head Start, Job Corps, Community Health Centers, Upward Bound, the Work Experience Program, Neighborhood Youth Corps, Volunteers In Service To America (VISTA), and more.

Springfield Partners for Community Action established
Springfield Partners for Community Action (SPCA) is created.

Worcester Community Action Council established
Worcester Community Action Council (WCAC) is created.

Nation's 1st Community Health Center
The Nation’s first Community Health Center, created by Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD) & Tufts University, opens in Boston.
Action Inc. established
Action Inc. is created.

Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee established
Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee (CEOC) is created.

Community Action Pioneer Valley established
Community Action Pioneer Valley (CAPV) is created.

Self Help Inc. established
Self Help Inc. is created.

Community Teamwork established
Community Teamwork (CTI) is created.

LEO Inc. established
LEO Inc. is created.
South Shore Community Action Council established
South Shore Community Action Council (SSCAC) is created.

North Shore Community Action Program established
North Shore Community Action Program (NSCAP) is created.

South Middlesex Opportunity Council established
South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC) is created.

Community Action Inc. established
Community Action Inc. (CAI) is created.

Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands established

Citizens for Citizens established
Citizens for Citizens (CFC) is created.

Quincy Community Action Programs established
Quincy Community Action Programs (QCAP) is created.

Valley Opportunity Council established
Valley Opportunity Council (VOC) is created.

Greater Lawrence Community Action Council established

Making Opportunity Count established
Making Opportunity Count (MOC) is created.

Berkshire Community Action Council established
Berkshire Community Action Council (BCAC) is created.

Community Action Programs Inter-City Inc. established

Saving the OEO & Community Action
ABCD and 3 other Community Action Programs successfully sue to stop President Nixon from abolishing the Office of Economic Opportunity and destroying the Community Action network.

Emergency Energy Conservation Program Introduced
Emergency Energy Conservation Program (EECP) is introduced, primarily focusing on weatherization and funding fuel vouchers.

Emergency Energy Conservation Program is introduced.
The Emergency Energy Conservation Program (EECP) is introduced, primarily focusing on weatherization and funding fuel vouchers.

EECP Adminsters Direct Bill Assistance
The Emergency Energy Conservation Program (EECP) beings administering direct bill assistance to low-income households.

Low Income Energy Assistance Program Expands
The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) expands energy assistance through the Dept. of Health and Human Services. It is replaced by the Low Income Home Energy ASsistance Program (LIHEAP) in 1981.

Community Action Agency of Somerville is created.
Community Action Agency of Somerville (CAAS) is created.

Community Services Block Grant is created.
The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is created to fund Community Action Agencies – a life saver after
Reagan cut funding 30%.
MA Funds Heating Assistance & Weatherization
Massachusetts adds a Heating Assistance & Weatherization funding line item to the budget.

People Acting in Community Endeavors is Created
People Acting in Community Endeavors (PACE) is created.

MIRA Created
ABCD creates Massachusetts Immigration & Refugee Assistance (MIRA) to protect immigrants’ rights.

The Massachusetts Association for Community Action (MASSCAP) is founded to support the Community Action Agencies in Masschusetts.

Welfare Reform Action funds TANF
A landmark Welfare Reform Act under President Bill Clinton creates significant reform by routing funding to states via the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program, creating timelimited assistance while promoting work and responsibility.

ROMA included in CSBG Reauthorization
Results-Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) performance management system is
included in CSBG reauthorization.
ROMA became mandatory in 2001.
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Passed
U.S. Congress passes the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) fiscal stimulus to alleviate the Great Recession of 2008.

MASSCAP Training Center Established
MASSCAP Training Center is established to offer training and resources to enhance the ability of community organizations to serve customers, develop staff and boards, improve operations, expand capacity, and meet funder requirements.

MASSCAP Publishes Report on Poverty and Opportunity
Report on Poverty and Opportunity written by MassBudget and commissioned by MASSCAP is published. It was updated in 2018, 2020, and 2022.

State Organizational Standards for Community Action
OCS releases regulation IM 138, “State Establishment of Organizational Standards for CSBG Eligible Entities” directing states to establish organizational standards by fiscal 2016.

1st Heating Help Campaign in MA
MASSCAP runs first “Heating Help is Here” marketing campaign statewide.

MA State Budget for VITA
Massachusetts establishes and funds a budget line item for Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA).

COVID-19 Poses Unprecedented Challenges
COVID-19 poses unprecedented challenges for Community Action Agencies and the world, but CAAs go into action, scaling up emergency services, using tech to meet people where they are, and providing direct relief to community members who need it most.

CARES Raises CSBG Income Eligibility
CARES CSBG raised the income limit eligibility ceiling from 125% to 200% of poverty, where it remains.

MA State Budget Line Item for Community Action
Massachusetts establishes and funds a Community Action line item in the State Budget.

"Millionaire's Tax" Revenue Supports Transportation and Education
MA Fair Share Amendment generates billions in annual support for transportation and public education from
new “millionaire’s tax" revenue.

60th Anniversary of Community Action
Community Action Celebrates 60 Years! Learn more about our celebration in Massachusetts.